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Valorization of Doctoral Research: A Key Issue for DBA Theses and the Professional World

Julien Cloarec*


IAE Lyon school of management

Lyon 3 University

Hugo Gaillard*

Associate Professor

Le Mans University

*Business Science Institute faculty members


The valorization of research during the thesis is an increasingly debated topic in academic circles. The question is whether doctoral students should be concerned with the impact of their work from the outset, or whether this should be reserved for more experienced researchers. This is the central theme of the chapter in the book "L'expérience de la thèse en management" published by EMS. It is all the more relevant for doctoral students enrolled in a DBA program.

Valorization: a shared responsibility

Promoting the results of research is both an individual and an institutional responsibility. Management sciences, in particular, thrive on constant interaction between researchers and organizations. Valorizing the data produced not only adds value to knowledge, but also reinforces the relevance and impact of research in the professional and societal world.

The Importance of Public Participation by Researchers

Today, the participation of researchers in public life is a major social issue. Many scientists speak outside their field of expertise or discipline, which can sometimes lead to mistakes, especially when these interventions are too close to current events or are not directly linked to a specific study. It is therefore very important for young researchers to rely on proven valorization systems to secure this process.

Established valorization systems

Among existing valorization systems, two notable examples are the "Journal of Marketing" and the "Revue française de gestion". The Journal of Marketing regularly promotes articles published by theAmerican Marketing Association(AMA), and uses social networks, blogs and webinars to reach a wider audience. The "Revue française de gestion" is highly committed to valorization for a variety of audiences, and enjoys a significant academic impact, reinforced by platforms such as Google Scholar, Xerfi Canal, and Cairn.

These collective systems are invaluable in ensuring both the publication of academic articles and the managerial and societal impact of these publications. They take care of valorization, enabling researchers to concentrate on their research while ensuring that their work reaches the relevant audiences.

Creating your own enhancement system

Doctoral students and DBAs are advised to set up their own commercialization system. Social networks play a catalytic role in this process, enabling young researchers to gain visibility and disseminate their work more widely. By linking their commercialization initiatives to their doctoral work and building on existing systems, young researchers can optimize the dissemination of their knowledge and improve their professional integration.

The special case of DBA thesis

What applies to a conventional doctoral dissertation is even more relevant to a dissertation produced as part of a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA). Professionals involved in a DBA bring valuable experience with them. The aim of the DBA is precisely to formalize this experience and share it as widely as possible. Research results from a DBA are particularly useful because they combine academic rigor with practical relevance, providing insights that are directly applicable in the professional world.

DBA professionals have the unique opportunity to transform their field experience into theoretical knowledge, while ensuring that this knowledge is accessible and applicable to a wide audience. The valorization of their research strengthens the bridges between the academic and professional worlds, and maximizes the impact of their work.


For young researchers, commercializing research is more than just a complement to their academic work; it's an essential component of their career. By integrating commercialization strategies from the outset of their thesis, using existing platforms and developing their own commercialization system, they can not only increase the impact of their work, but also prepare themselves for a richer and more influential academic and professional career.

Valorization initiatives should be seen as an opportunity to make an active contribution to society, raise the profile of research and facilitate the application of knowledge in a variety of fields. By adopting a proactive and well-structured approach, young researchers can transform their doctoral work into a valuable asset for their professional future and for the scientific community as a whole. For DBA PhD students, this approach is all the more important, as it enables them to take full advantage of their professional experience while making a significant contribution to the advancement of management knowledge.


L’expérience de la thèse en management. Regards croisés de jeunes docteurs. EMS Editions, « Gestion en liberté », 2023, ISBN : 9782376874881. DOI : 10.3917/ems.gaill.2023.01. URL :


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